Your T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S2 just got dumber, no thanks to Apple

Remember the software update that T-Mobile recently pushed out for the Galaxy S2? At that time, the carrier said that aside apart from bringing the latest iteration of Ice Cream Sandwich and removing some bugs, the update also brings NFC and ISIS support. But is that really all? Not quite.

The maintenance update, which can only be downloaded if you connect your Galaxy S2 to Kies, reportedly also disables the phone’s universal search feature.

Granted, this isn’t a cause for great concern, as most likely not many users are even aware that the universal search function has been stripped off from the phone. At best, the fact that you can’t search for local files on your phone will be a slight inconvenience – the same feeling that owners of  some variant of Galaxy S3 have experienced first-hand.

It also probably explains why T-Mobile didn’t bother listing the removal of the search function on the change log of the update. Still, it’s a pity that something as basic as doing a local search on your phone has to be disabled due to a seemingly questionable patent that the competitor has.

Have you noticed the universal search function disappearing from your T-Mobile’s Samsung Galaxy S2? Will you miss it? Sound off in the comments below.

