Yahoo Android app and Square Register

In today’s app update roundup, payment app Square Register gets a new look and becomes easier to use, while the Yahoo! Android app gets revamped, and now includes summaries of news stories.

Square Register

The Square Register app has now been updated, offering you more useful interesting features that help you easily receive payments.

Square Register is a very easy way of receiving payments using nothing more than your mobile device, coupled with a free reader the company offers, for a fee of 2.75 percent of the price of the transaction. The service is currently only available in the U.S. and Canada, where it has been expanded last year.

The new update, bringing the app to version 3.0, includes an all-new item library, allowing you to easily add items to a sale (with images, names and prices) and make checkout a faster process. Notes and custom amounts can also be added before the payment takes place, and the app also includes a custom tipping feature, so the customer can pay you whatever he likes as a tip.

Finally, the app now has a new look, making it easier to use and tweak settings.


Another important app update comes to the Yahoo! Android app, which has now reached version 1.0. The new Yahoo! app changes the search experience by adding images and videos and, most importantly, an endless visual stream of stories, which allows you to keep up with what’s going on around you. The stream can be customized by choosing topics you want to receive more news about.

The app also includes summaries of news stories, making it easier for you to get a quick idea about a certain topic at a glance. The summaries are made, according to The Verge, using technology from Summly, a service which it has acquired in March this year.

Will the new features of these two apps be of use to you?

