Udacity and Google team up to offer 'deep learning' course

Google and Udacity have a long-standing relationship, partnering up to offer free courses on a variety of topics from web development, Android Wear, and, well, Android itself. Now the duo is back at it again, this time bringing interested learners a free course on deep learning.

For those unaware, deep learning is basically the name for a type of artificial intelligence that involves training artificial neural networks how to better process certain types of information, which is seen in a number of Google services including Google Translate, Google Photos, and so much more. As you might have guessed, the course isn’t aimed at newbies though. Instead, the aim of this latest course is to better clarify and teach engineers, scientists, and advanced developers on what deep learning is and how it works. Additionally, the course talks about TensorFlow, Google’s in-house open-source machine learning software.

According to Udacity, the course is designed to take about three months, as long as you are able to devote six hours a week to working on it. At the helm of the free course is Google principal scientist Vincent Vanhoucke, who says the long-term goal of the course is to make deep learning more accessible.

