This website turns .gifs into boot animations

Ah, Reddit. The source of all things… innovative. If you’re tired of the same old boot animation on your device, you’re in luck. Someone created a website that can turn any .gif file into your device’s boot animation.

The website comes from Reddit user eth0izzle, and is currently only an alpha version, meaning you might run into some errors if you upload strangely-formatted .gifs. If you dare to try it out, just head to this website. Enter in your screen size, adjust your frames per second, rotate the .gif if you so choose, and upload your desired boot animation. It takes roughly 2.5 seconds to complete, then comes the next step. You’ll need to flash the newly-downloaded boot animation on to your device by simply copying the file to /system/media, and there you have it!

Remember, messing with system processes on your device can be a dangerous thing, so be careful when it comes to this stuff! Be sure to speak up in the comments if you’ve tested this out!
