The 10 Best Equalizers for Android! (video)

Over the years, Android’s problems with music quality have been pretty much fixed, but a lot of people still use equalizers to get that extra boost in sound quality. Sure, it’s not a huge boost, but that little extra bump in quality can always kick things up a notch.

In a rush? Jump straight to the video, otherwise, stick with us as we take a look at the top 10 equalizers for Android!

#10 Music Equalizer

First up on our list is the unimaginatively named Music Equalizer, developed by Rodrigo Kolb. It does just what you’d want it to do, and yes, we did have make the distinction because there’s a second app on this list sporting the exact same name.

#9 Equalizer FX

Next up on our list is called Equalizer FX Free. This little equalizer app features a 6 band EQ, along with all of the usual goodies — presets, bass boost, visualization settings, and the ability to save custom profiles. It’s a great equalizer, and it does everything that you could want it to do.

We actually didn’t understand why people didn’t rate this higher. It’s not going to wow anyone, but it doesn’t harass you with ads like a lot of other options do. The only problem we really found was that half the presets had the bass maxed out. You have to turn the bass down or it starts sounding like Beats Audio. Whether that’s a bad thing or not, that’s up to you.

#8 AnEq Equalizer

Next on our list is AnEq Equalizer. This nifty little 5 band equalizer has both a free and a paid version, with the difference being nothing more than ads. We recommend taking the free version for a spin first, just to make sure the app is working properly on your device.

We have to admit, we had a little trouble with this app. As unfortunate as it is, it often force closes when trying to load any of the presets. That may have been just us, so it might be wise to check out the free version, first. Problems aside, it’s a simple 5 band equalizer app, with some presets, that can be nice if you just need a quick tweak.

#7 Auvio EQ

Number seven on our list is Auvio EQ, and much like AnEq, this is a very simple equalizer. It’s actually designed for the Auvio brand of headsets, but it still works on Android devices. It comes with some music controls, and a small settings menu should you need them.

The main interface is where the EQ is and, like we stated earlier, it’s pretty simple. YOu move the 6 bands wherever you need them to go or you can select from a few presets, the bass boost, and reverb. So, the question is, is it nice? It’s nice, but it’s not anything special, it’s just your average equalizer.

#6 Music Equalizer

Next up is Music Equalizer, and as the name implies, it’s, well, an equalizer for music. With that said, you should also know that the sky is blue, Twilight is overrated, and Steve Ballmer is insane. Obvious facts aside, this is actually a really nice app with a very slick interface.

It opens up to a floating window, which is already really awesome, and proceeds to do exactly what it’s supposed to.  Unfortunately, like a few others on this list, its pitfall is that it thinks everyone wants maxed out bass on every preset. Sure, it’s not bad by any means, but it’d be nice to have some variety.

#5 Android Equalizer Player

Coming in at number five, we have Android Equalizer Player. We tried not to include a lot of media players because, well, frankly, playing the media is secondary to the equalizer. For this app, that’s not at all the case, as the equalizer is a front and center feature that’s always visible. One of it’s pitfalls is that the ads can get really annoying.

Opening the app, you’ll be able to find a song and play it. When you do, the equalizer is baked right into the main music player, so you can mess around with it quite a bit. It has a number of presets and a separate bass control, but if you want every song to have a different feel about it, this is a great app to take for a spin.

#4 Equalizer Music Player

Like we mentioned earlier, we tried to stray awway from music players because equalizers are more of a peripheral feature. However, much like Android Equalizer Player, this app has the equalizer at the forefront of the music player, and it’s a main feature.

That said, Equalizer Music Player is almost an exact replica of Android Equalizer Player, and the only real difference here is that it has a different look. Everything else is pretty much the same. Down to the small room, big room, plate settings, to the presets, and everything else. However, this one has millions of downloads and the other only has a couple hundred thousand. Either way, you’ll get a good experience.

#3 Bass Booster

First in our top three is Bass Booster, an app that used to be a much bigger deal back the days before this kind of stuff became common. Especially in the earlier versions of Android where equalizers weren’t present in the operating system. Bass Booster depreciated a little bit, but it still functions well.

The bass boost part of the app is a toss up. It may work on your device, it may not. That said, it’s highly suggested that you check out the free version before investing into it too heavily. Other than the compatibility issues, it’s a pretty nice package. It’s a 6 band equalizer with a number of presets, along with a stylish, but simple interface. Can’t ask for much more than that.

#2 Equalizer

By now, you’re probably noticing a common theme here: unimaginatively named apps that, essentially, do the same thing. However, Equalizer is a nifty little app. It’s one of the easier to use out of this entire list, and it doesn’t come with any catches, such as advertising. There’s a paid version that unlocks a few extra features, but the free version will do you just fine, at least, for now.

One page one of the app, you can see all of the presets. Moving over to page two, you can set up the equalizer yourself, and even use a track to play while you do it. Looking at page three, you can control the bass and reverb. Perhaps out favorite feature is the auto equalizer, which changes your settings based on the genre of the current playing song.

#1 Music Volume EQ

This is it, the last one on our list, and the number one, too.  It’s called Music Volume EQ, and it has a really nice looking interface. Like a few others, it shows up in a floating window and, as the others do on this list, it acts as an equalizer and volume manager.

It has all of the bells and whistles that you’d expect out of it — your standard equalizer, bass boost, presets, visualization, and volume controls. It looks nice, and best of all, it works. Of course, nearly every EQ preset has the bass maxed out, just like some of the others on this list. That said, you may need to turn that down to enjoy it, but this is one that people like the most!


Wrap up

Looking at the leaderboard (image above) you can see all of these apps together. As per the norm, we don’t rate these ourselves — this is how you, the people, have rated them in the Google Play Store. There’s no bias involved whatsoever.

All of these apps essentially work the same way. You open them, you mess with either the 5 or 6 band equalizer and your music hopefully sounds better. So there is very little variance as to how these all work. Most of the time the difference is how they look.

Of course, equalizers are out there by the dozens and are often mixed in with themes and plugins for other apps. So if we missed a good equalizer and you want to talk about it, let us know your thoughts in the comments.

