T-Mobile’s latest ad mocks AT&T’s iPhone 4S as being slow

It looks like T-Mobile has decided to take a swipe at AT&T and the iPhone 4S in their latest ad campaign, which isn’t really an original concept.

The ad begins with a fairly dim witted looking guy cruising slowly on a motorbike, meant to represent the iPhone on AT&T’s network. Along comes a motorbike at breakneck speed (yes, that’s the 4G one), with a hot lady at the helm, and she rips by in the blink of an eye. All the while, T-Mobile asks the viewer to contemplate the answer to the question: “If this is the speed of the iPhone 4S on AT&T, what does 4G speed on T-Mobile look like?”

If pictures are worth a thousand words and videos are worth a million, it would take me months to write this post, so just check out the commercial below.

The ad isn’t the only thing that T-Mobile has prepared for CTIA. T-Mobile USA CEO Philipp Humm was one of the keynote speakers at the event, along with the CEO’s from the other three major carriers (AT&T’s Ralph de la Vega included), to explain the carrier’s new strategy. Humm said that the failed acquisition of T-Mobile by AT&T has really damaged its reputation, and it is something that T-Mobile is now trying to fix. The ultimate goal is to provide an affordable service that is “still on the cutting edge of tech”. With 80% of T-Mobile’s new customers opting for smartphones, the monthly data usage per customer has increased from 25MB in 2009 to 760MB in 2012.

Since de la Vega was there, he got to defend AT&T’s portrayal in the ad later on by saying that it’s not fair to judge the network’s speed based on the performance of one device and that AT&T does have a fast LTE network.

Getting back to T-Mobile and the iPhone for a second, we’ll get a better view on the full extent of T-Mobile’s losses for not having Apple’s gem of a phone in its lineup during the company’s earnings call on Thursday. T-Mobile is apparently working on making the iPhone compatible with the carrier’s HSPA network. So there’s still some hope left that you’ll see the iPhone 5 – or whatever it’ll be named as – running on T-Mobile later in the year.

