Samsung Galaxy 11 team begins its final match, aliens vs humans

In November of last year Samsung kicked off a new football (soccer) themed advertising campaign, dubbed the Galaxy 11 Campaign. The story started with a video about an alien invasion and the recruiting of famous football (soccer) players from all around the globe. More recently a video also detailed the Galaxy 11 Team’s training for an upcoming match against a powerful alien race to determine the fate of the Earth.

Now that match has begun. In the latest video, “Galaxy 11: Final Match”, we finally get a closer look at the alien menace in a brilliantly done video that shows the first half of the game. As you probably would guess, the aliens are winning at the conclusion of this video, though we all know how this works: the second part released in the coming weeks will show a triumphant comeback for the Galaxy 11 team.

It’s worth noting that the aliens at the football (soccer) game seem to be heavily inspired by many other popular movies and media. For example, the Hurakan team members have a bit of a predator vibe. There’s also these hooded guys that have a Star Wars-like feeling to them — at least that’s my take.

Anyhow, whether or not you like Samsung’s devices, it’s hard to deny that they know how to create interesting marketing campaigns. What do you think of this latest video, like it or not?

