Samsung Experience Shops opening in 1400 Best Buy locations

Samsung Experience Shops will be opened in Best Buy locations across the US – no less than 1400 of them.

Namely, there will be no fewer than 1,400 Samsung Experience Shops, and 900 of them are opening early next month, right on time for the Samsung Galaxy S4’s arrival, reports The Verge, that managed to pay a visit to one of the new stores.

Mobile products in the center

Samsung will focus the new shops on its mobile products. There will be some major difference between Samsung Experience Shops and the Apple “shops” in Best Buy locations. Samsung’s shops will be much bigger (the one The Verge has visited had three rows of tables and around 460 square feet, which will probably be the standard in large locations) and will focus on Samsung’s mobile products – smartphones, tablets, and even laptops, along with the accessories to go with them. Some of the stores might get the Galaxy S4 ahead of launch, too.

Another confirmed rumor is the one about the trained Best Buy personnel being assigned to Samsung’s Experience Shops. Samsung is also assigning and hiring many people of its own to work in the new stores.

These people will be able, according to Best Buy’s dedicated site, to help customers when choosing a new Samsung product, as well as with technical issues. The site calls them Samsung Experience Consultants, and, while they’ll be able to answer “the toughest questions”, those will only pertain to features of the products and software updates.

Should the user have a hardware problem, the issue will be resolved through the usual Best Buy channels. Samsung promised to enhance the experience by the middle of the year, so things could change.

If you want to check whether the Best Buy near you will have a Samsung shop, just go to Best Buy’s dedicated page.

Who’s getting headaches?

Samsung’s move should be food for thought to at least two of its competitors. The first one is, obviously, Apple, a company that Samsung seems to be trying to beat at its own game (a game it could be winning, too). Samsung’s increasing retail presence could affect Apple in terms of sales. With the two companies almost equal in terms of connected devices sold, every advantage counts.

How much do you think the network of Samsung Experience Shops will affect Samsung’s competitors?

