Partia 2 - Indie app of the day

What is Partia 2?

Partia 2 is a strategy RPG similar to Fire Emblem and Tear Ring Saga, according to the developers. The graphics are a bit more old school than most but that does help play into the charm of the game and there are also some fun features that help set it apart. It currently goes for $6.00 in the Google Play Store with no in app purchases.

The game features 22 levels that can get pretty challenging and along with them you get a story in the genre of high fantasy. The strategy RPG elements are pretty standard but there are some fun nuances added in by developers. For instance, there is the common-turn rule that players can turn on where each side takes turns alternatively like a game of chess instead of the usual where it’s based off of a speed stat and multiple units from the same side can go at once. There is also a horse rule where horses can move before and after attacks if they still have remaining moves to make. These features allow the player to play the game in different ways and adds some depth to the game play.

The game is charming and fun but there are some things to keep in mind. The game is in 4:3 aspect ratio which means it won’t fully utilize 16:9 devices which are most devices. It does help that the developers are aware that this is a deal breaker for some and have specifically stated that in their app description. They have also been busy tweaking the game and fixing bugs to make it more enjoyable for others.

Overall, it’s a fun little game. Admittedly, it’s a bit expensive and that may be a deal breaker for some. Fans of the old school sRPG titles may still be able to enjoy this game. It is challenging and the various game play options give it a sort of customizable feeling. If you’re interested, the button is below.Comments
