NFL highlights are coming to YouTube and Google

The National Football League (NFL) has announced a new partnership with YouTube and Google to create an official NFL channel that provides weekly programming of NFL content.

Specifically, Google’s search results will push official NFL video and news to users searching for “NFL-related content.” The results will be shown in a box at the top of the search engine along with extensive information about a team’s scores, background, and upcoming games.

Although the NFL currently has an official NFL channel on YouTube, this agreement will allow for people to see in-game highlights during a game. The NFL content will be accessible on PCs, tablets and mobile phones.

According to The Verge, Google has agreed to share money earned on ads it sells against YouTube videos and expanded search results with the league, while also agreeing to promote the NFL on YouTube and elsewhere. Google agreed to a deal like this with ESPN during the World Cup last year. In that agreement, those using the search engine were directed to ESPN’s video player.

The NFL will be streaming the upcoming Super Bowl XLIX online for free. Unlike past years, Comcast and NBC Universal will be streaming it online without proof of a cable subscription.

