New Google reference app helps developers build multi-screen apps
With the recent introduction of Android Wear, Android TV and Android Auto, Google is expanding its ecosystem to as many screen sizes as possible. With all of the new screen sizes now on the Android platform, the company is urging developers to create the best looking applications as possible, no matter what size screen. To do so, Google has created a new reference sample application called the Universal Music Player for developers to use as a reference point. The app combines a number of different features from Android 5.0 Lollipop and will show developers the recommended way to build their apps for Wear, Auto and Google Cast devices.
The application uses recently-added features like MediaStyle notifications, MediaSession and MediaBrowserService, which allows developers to easily implement browsing and playback on multiple devices while only using one version of the application. The app also shows developers how to add album artwork to the lock screen, control music playback through the Wear and Auto platforms, and much more.
If you’re a developer that’s interested in trying out the Universal Music Player, head to the GitHub link below. Or if you’d like some more information on the topic, check out the Google Developers Blog.