Motorola Touchless Control app updated, now Moto Voice

During Motorola’s announcement of the new Moto X, they revealed that Touchless Control would be rebranded as Moto Voice and would receive a few new tricks as well. Now a new update of the app has hit Google Play, officially changing the name to Moto Voice as promised.

So what’s new with Moto Voice, the biggest change is that the new MotoX will be able to have a custom launch phrase like “Hey phone!” or “Ok, Google” or whatever you want really. There’s also voice command support for YouTube, Facebook and WhatsApp. Here’s the full change-log:

  • Customize your own launch phrase to make Moto Voice respond only to you
  • Voice command support for YouTube, Facebook and WhatsApp
  • Turn on Talk to Me and other Moto modes through voice commands
  • Support for Moto Hint and Moto 360
  • User experience improvements and bug fixes

What about the older Motorola handsets that supported Touchless Control like the original Moto X and some of the Droid family members?

On your new Moto X (2nd generation), there’s even more: To make Moto Voice more personal to you, create your own launch phrase, like “Hello Moto X” and teach it your voice. Say “Play Beethoven on YouTube” to play music videos on YouTube. You can also interact with your favorite apps like Facebook and WhatsApp with your voice.

For Moto X (1st generation), Droid Maxx, Droid Mini, and Droid Ultra users, stay tuned for updates to Moto Voice / Touchless Control soon.

It’s possible this could mean that these devices may in fact see support for these new Moto Voice features in the future, or it could be a non-committal statement before they reach a real decision on the matter. Either way, it would certainly be awesome if these older devices were included in the fun.
