Moto X+1 will come with Verizon Messages, but it will be removable

Last night Evleaks brought us one of the clearest images of the Moto X+1 we’ve seen to date as a “retirement gift”. What might have slipped your notice about the Verizon-branded model is that it seems to have Verizon Messages app in its dock, as opposed to the default Android messaging app or Hangouts.

just about every recent Android device has shipped with Verizon Messages, including the Galaxy S5, LG G3 and HTC One M8

Now we can’t say we are that shocked to see Verizon bloatware here, especially considering the original Moto X had several bloatware apps installed including Caller Name ID, MObile Hotspot, NFL Mobile, My Verizon and VZ Navigator. Additionally, just about every recent Android device has shipped with Verizon Messages, including the Galaxy S5, LG G3 and HTC One M8.

What’s interesting, however, is that a source reporting to PhoneArena claims that the app will be fully uninstallable. While Verizon bloat can generally be disabled, it’s usually not removable without root, so this is certainly an interesting change — if the report is accurate. On the other hand, this isn’t the first time we’ve heard that Verizon may be changing its tune when it comes to removing bloatware.

Back in July, we learned that Verizon was trialing a program for the LG G3 that would allow users to uninstall many of their bundled bloatware apps. The wording of the program claimed all bloatware would be removable, though several LG G3 owners noted that this didn’t seem to be the case.

Here’s the original statement from Verizon, for reference:

Verizon is trialing a new service on the LG G3. Pre-loaded applications will install in the background during the activation and set up process. Once setup is complete, the applications will appear in the applications folder as though they have been traditionally pre-loaded. However, there IS one key difference; the applications can be completely and entirely uninstalled by the customer via the standard uninstall process. Customers will not incur any data usage or charges for the download and installation of these applications.

So is Big Red doing something similar with the Moto X+1, making it easier for folks to remove nasty apps that they’ll never use? We hope so, and this would certainly be a welcome change. Of course, it would be even better if Verizon simply didn’t pack on the bloat in the first place.

