Meet the Devs - Jamie Merchant

Welcome back to our Meet the Devs segment! In this piece we take a little time to get to know the people who really make Android what it is today and that is the app developers. In this week’s developer interview, we are talking to Jamie Merchant.

Name: Jamie Merchant

Developer Name: Wilmer Studios

Country: Canada

How many people on your team? 2


Super Wilmer

Tell us about your company

Wilmer Studios – We are a small two man team out of London, Ontario, Canada. We’ve developed two titles over the last two years, our first title was Wilmer (“Wil”-son”Mer”-chant) and our second title which we are really excited about “Super Wilmer”. As of right now we’ve been building these titles as more of a hobby, but hopefully can turn this into our full-time jobs in the future.

What level of experience do you have with coding and development?

Have been doing development for the past 13 years, and in the last 8 years have slid into a more java based coder.

What languages do you know? How and where did you learn them?

Java – really started to develop this language while working at RIM (BlackBerry), C++, C, PHP, C#, VB, really not many languages I haven’t worked with… Have a lot of experience in web development.

I’ve really developed my skills at both Fanshawe College(Computer Programmer) and Western University(Computer Science), where I learned alot of hands on and in University theoretical practices and design patterns.

What level of experience do you have with design?

I’ve built many web applications in the past, and now within the past two years have gotten into Android App development

What apps have you made?

Wilmer and Super Wilmer, both currently on Google Play.

How do you monetize your apps?

We do both in-app purchases, and in-app advertising.

Do you consider yourself successful?

Well I do, even though we haven’t made much money at it yet, we I feel built two pretty fun games.

How difficult is it to make money as a developer?

It is harder getting noticed.

What can Android do to improve?

Honestly the onboarding of development I felt was better then BlackBerry’s and definitely better then iOS.

Why did you choose Android? Do you develop for other platforms? What are the differences between them?

I just liked the Android platform, and then liked their Market share, also Android ported nice to Blackberry.

What does the future of development look like?

We are currently looking at porting to iOS.

What are your thoughts on iOS and Windows 8?

Well, I believe iOS is a strong platform and operating system as it is. But lack of customization and control over their products are making me stay away from them, mostly.

What do you think of the Android design guidelines?

I think it is great and easy for onboarding.

What are your favorite apps?

Lol, theChive.

What has been your experience working with Google?

It has been good, I mean I liked how easy they made it all.

What does the future of development look like?

Well next up is likely port Super Wilmer to iOS, and then Ian and I will talk about later versions of Super Wilmer.

What tips do you have for aspiring developers?

If you don’t love it, you’ll never be great at it. If you want to build something great, just dive in!

Anything else you’d like to share?

Ian Wilson and I have worked really hard on Super Wilmer, and we just want the world to see it… =)

We want to thank Jame Merchant for chatting with us in this week’s developer interviews! If you’re a developer and this looks like something you’d like to do, check out our Meet the Devs form! We look forward to hearing from you.

