Meet the Devs - Basel Sader

Welcome back to our Meet the Devs segment! In this piece we take a little time to get to know the people who really make Android what it is today and that is the app developers. In this week’s developer interviews, we are talking to Basel Sader.

Name: Basel Sader

Developer Name: Basel Sader

Country: Israel

Website: N/A

How many people on your team? 1


Turbo Words

Tell us about your company

My name is Basel Sader, I’m a 19 year old developer from Jerusalem. I graduated school in 2012, and started college in 2013 majoring in Mathematics and Computer Science, minoring in Economics. I dropped out a year later and I started working on Turbo Words, the social word game.

What level of experience do you have with coding and development?

I have started coding around age 14 following a summer camp about programming. However I only got deep in coding and development July 2013, when I applied for an internship at a start-up in Ramallah as an Android Application Developer.

What languages do you know? How and where did you learn them?

I know Java, HTML, CSS, XML quite well. I know PHP, Javascript, JQuery at a moderate level. I have learnt the basics at MEET (Middle East Education through Technology), a 3 year summer camp that teaches computer languages and business amongst other things. And after that I worked on my own using online tutorials, buying books, etc to practice more and more.

What level of experience do you have with design?

I have little to no experience with design. The design for the game Turbo Words was made by a graphics design student.

What apps have you made?

I have made Turbo Words, a social and educational word game. At the start of the game, a player is given two letters (for example A + E). And they are then required to enter all the words they know that start with A and end with E in the given time (added, aided, add etc..). The default time is 60 seconds but the player can change it. At the end of the game, the player sees two lists: his own word, and all the words in the dictionary that start and end with the required letters. If the playing language is English, clicking on a word presents its definition and pronunciation. Players can choose to login with Facebook as well and challenge their Facebook friends to games. Online stats are available for each player.

How do you monetize your apps?

I have ads on my apps through Google AdMob.

Do you consider yourself successful?

I can’t say that I am successful just yet, I still have a long long way ahead of me, and I’ve just barely crossed the first step. But I must say that I have high hopes and I’m looking forward to a successful journey.

Why did you choose Android? Do you develop for other platforms? What are the differences between them?

I chose Android mainly because I am very fluent in Java, and because most of the smartphones in the world today run on the Android OS. I do not develop for any other platform yet.

What are your favorite apps?

One of my favorite apps is Google Keep. It has so much functionality yet still manages to remain simple and easy to use.

We want to thank Basel for chatting with us in this week’s developer interviews! If you’re a developer and this looks like something you’d like to do, check out our Meet the Devs form! We look forward to hearing from you.

