McDonald's and Samsung installing tablets across UK restaurants


Forget supersizing your Big Mac combo. McDonald’s has an even better plan to keep people around and kids busy – tablets. Maybe the games are no longer enough in the digital age, right? Either way, McDonald’s and Samsung have partnered to install tablets in most UK restaurants.

This move is part of the company’s “Experience of the future” program, which aims to offer customers an experience closer to the way they live.

“Technology has an important role to play in all walks of life, including our customers’ eating out experience, so the changes we’re making as part of the ‘Experience of the Future’ programme bring us closer to the way people live their lives today. We pride ourselves on listening to customers and providing an outstanding experience; innovations such as tablets help provide this experience and have been extremely popular with customers.” -Doug Baker, head of IT restaurant solutions and service at McDonald’s UK

The world-renown burger joint will be using software customized by a company named SOTI, and these devices will come pre-installed with games, social media and other applications that will allow users to browse the web. I suppose this means it won’t be a pure Android experience… or will it be running Android at all? We will have to wait and see.

It’s also not clear which tablets will be hitting your McDonald’s booths. What we do know is they will likely have to be cleaned often, though; ketchup, grease and soda are bound to make a bad combination with tech.

Now we just have to wonder when these tablets will be reaching the USA, or any other parts of the world. I mean, McDonald’s is kind of everywhere! What do you guys think? Would you be down for some quick social media while grubbing on that Big Mac?

