LG Optimus 2X Android Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade only in South Korea

What’s more frustrating than an Android manufacturer keeping complete silence about its plans of updating a certain phone to Ice Cream Sandwich? That’s right, a manufacturer that plays games with its customers, pushing upgrades back and forth, cancelling them and then bringing them back under the spotlight.

That’s exactly what LG has done with the Optimus 2X, a phone released a year and a half back with 2.2 Froyo on-board. Smoothly and swiftly updated to Gingerbread in November 2011, the 4-incher was initially planned to get an ICS upgrade in Q2 2012.

But just when we thought it was all over and done, another tweet, this time coming from LG Korea, contradicts the “official announcement” from back in July. Though we’re not exactly fluent in Korean, using good ol’ Google Translate, we think we’ve managed to decipher the message, which reads somewhere in these lines:

Optimus 2X ICS will be applied according to the results of upcoming tests. We will try to let you know the schedule of Optimus 2X ICS update as soon as possible. Please expect an optimized ICS experience.

Is that confusing or what? Which do we trust more: LG Canada or LG Korea? Both actually, as we could see a scenario in which the two tweets would both prove accurate. Don’t follow? Well, it’s pretty simple, folks, as neither of the tweets mentions a thing about the place and time of the update. So, an upgrade for the Canadian Optimus 2X might not ever be happening, while Korean users could be spoiled with Ice Cream Sandwich treats.

But what about the U.S. version of the phone, known over on T-Mobile as simply the G2X? Well, as much as we’d like to be the bearers of good news, we’re afraid that it will most likely be following the Canadian version’s fate. So if people up North won’t be getting ICS, and almost definitely T-Mo users will be treated the same.

Aside from the Optimus 2X, it seems that LG Korea is also in testing for an Optimus 3D ICS update. The exact same message as for the 2X has been tweeted a couple of days ago, but again this might only apply to the Korean version of the 3D-enabled phone.

Anyone still waiting for an official Android 4.0 update for the Optimus 2X? What about the Optimus 3D?

