Lenovo shuts down its app store, lets customers deal with the repercussion

Did you know that Lenovo has an Android app store of its own? Neither do we. Apparently, it has been around since March 2012. Any hope of trying to get to know it better is too little too late since Lenovo has decided to pull the plug of its Google Play alternative. As of September 21, Lenovo’s Android app shop will cease to exist.

It’s not out of the ordinary for manufacturers to provide a digital outlet – as a complement to Google Play – for their users to buy and download apps from. Samsung has its own app store as well, while HTC merely provides recommendations that link to Google Play. In the case of Lenovo, the app store is geared toward business users.

Lenovo said that the store is closed because its partner has discontinued operations. We can probably put down the lack of user base as one of the main reasons. It could also be because Lenovo hasn’t been able to populate the app shop with more titles. It’s probably a chicken and egg situation.

If you have purchased apps there, you’ll find that some apps may stop working after November 2. Lenovo has listed about 90 titles that fall under this category, but fails to provide a solution for customers, asking them to contact the developer directly instead.

It’s worth checking this link out to see if any of the apps you purchased from Lenovo’s store will be affected.

