LastPass is now free to use on mobile devices, cross-platform syncing still requires subscription fee

LastPass is one of the most popular password managers available today, but to take advantage of all of its premium features, you’ll need to pay for a premium subscription. With that said, starting today users will begin to have a little more freedom with the service without having to pay an extra cost. LastPass is now free to use on mobile devices, including both smartphones and tablets, and passwords can now be synced across any one platform for free.

In the past, users would be able to take advantage of LastPass for free on the computer, but would still need to pay a premium for mobile syncing. Not that’s changed, allowing users to sign up for and use LastPass on mobile without having to access a computer. After all, there are many folks who use LastPass solely on mobile devices, so this move makes sense.

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This new “freemium” model also allows first-time LastPass users to sync passwords across any one platform at no extra charge. So, if you were to sign up for LastPass on your Android smartphone, you’d also be able to access your passwords on your Android tablet without needing to upgrade to LastPass Premium. This new model works the same way for computers, as well. If you’d like to sync cross-platform, though, you’ll need to bite the bullet and pay the $12/year LastPass Premium fee.

If you’d like some more details on LastPass’ new freemium model, head to the source link below.

