HTC teases a "big technological breakthrough" with the Vive at CES 2016

HTC CEO Cher Wang says she has something big for us to look forward to at CES 2016. At today’s Vive Unbound developers forum in China, Cher Wang said that her team and Valve have made “a very, very big technological breakthrough” with their Vive virtual reality system. While we aren’t entirely sure what this big upgrade is about, Wang did say that it’ll be shown off for the very first time at CES 2016 in early January.

Engadget spoke to Wang about the big advancement, and she gave some comments as to why the Vive pre-order date was changed from late 2015 to early 2016:

We shouldn’t make our users swap their systems later just so we could meet the December shipping date.

We should add that the Vive isn’t slated to be only for consumers. The HTC chief said that next year, Audi will be installing Vives in most of its flagships stores to offer virtual reality test drive experiences. She added that this will be followed by “many of the major car brands that you can think of.” In addition, HTC is pitching this VR idea to hospitals to use for 3D scanning purposes.

Of course, Android Authority will be at CES 2016 in full force, bringing you all of the latest and greatest news revolving around our favorite mobile operating system. We’re really excited to see what HTC is planning on showing off, so be sure to stay tuned for the big announcement that’s coming in January.

