HTC One X+ coming to Telus Canada "this fall", no words on pricing

According to Mobile Syrup, Telus has confirmed that it’ll put the One X+ up for grabs “this fall,” without mentioning any exact date or future pricing. The online publication fails to tell us if the info came via an official press release or an exclusive talk with a Telus official, but that’s not very important, considering that this is a website that has very rarely let us down with unchecked or false facts.

Telus will be most likely offering an HTC One X+ version identical to the one on AT&T, although one little spec might change up North. We know that the States will get a One X+ with 64GB of on-board storage, while Canadian tech users might only get a model with 32GB of memory.

This is purely speculation at this point, so you should wait until voicing your frustration. Also, we don’t think 32GB of storage would be that bad, considering that all the other features, including the 1.7GHz quad-core Tegra 3 AP37 processor, 2,100mAh battery, Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, 4G LTE speeds, 1GB of RAM, and 8MP / 1.6MP cameras, will still be there.

We also expect the Canadian One X+ to rock that beautiful carbon black exterior with red accents, despite still hoping to see other color schemes available as well.

There are a lot of questions that need to be answered regarding the Canadian launch of the One X+, starting with whether or not Telus will get exclusivity over other carriers. The country’s number three wireless service provider would definitely hurt the image of both Rogers and Bell if that were to happen, but it’s way too early to talk about that.

As far as pricing goes, another big mystery right now, we would definitely expect the One X+ to be more expensive than the One X. That handset currently goes for $79 with a 3-year Telus agreement, and $630 outright, so be prepared to spend some massive dough for the new One X+.

All things considered, are you Canadian tech lovers excited about the One X+? If so, what would be a fair price for Telus (or other carriers) to ask for it?

