How long can Ultra Power Saving Mode extend battery life?

Samsung’s enthusiasm over their Galaxy S5’s Ultra Power Saving Mode has been apparent since the device’s announcement. This mode is said to do wonders with battery life, often extending it by multiple days, something that is simply unheard of in today’s smartphones. Samsung has decided to offer us their own test, proving Ultra Power Saving Mode can really keep a Galaxy S5 alive.

The Korean manufacturer’s test consisted on trying to keep a smartphone alive for the duration of a road trip going from coast to coast. All without recharging the smartphone a single time. This may prove to be the ultimate test, and Samsung’s device passed it. The device survived 7 days, in which 86 text messages were sent, 119 pictures were taken, over 4 minutes of video were recorded and over 16 minutes of talk time were used.

In Ultra Power Saving Mode, the screen goes into a greyscale mode, turns off WiFi and bluetooth, as well as killing data while the display is off. It also restricts the user from using a plethora of apps, leaving only a few messaging essentials and the browser active. (By the way, there is a way for root users to activate more apps in Ultra Power Saving Mode, which you can read more about in our UPSM Manager article.)

This is quite the feat, and you can see a summarized video of this test in the video above. Of course, we are not sure if Samsung cheated (even if a little) or not, but it seems like a reasonable deed considering what Ultra Power Saving Mode does. The user would sacrifice pretty much all non-essential features!

We wonder how accurate these results really are. Those of you who have tested this Galaxy S5 feature could probably give us an idea of how well it works!

