Here’s some more proof that an Asus-made Nexus 10 is coming

Last year, Samsung set a high standard with the beautiful Nexus 10, but all signs point to Asus taking over for the second generation of the high-resolution tablet. @evleaks, the habitual purveyor of insider info, just tweeted the image below.

This isn’t the first piece of evidence that Asus is making the Nexus 10 (2013). The device showed up in the inventory of a British retailer, with a price tag of £350 for the 16GB version. That tells us Asus’ Nexus 10 could sell in the US for $399 for the base version, though, as it’s the case with the Nexus 7, a slight price bump is possible.

As for the release date, we still don’t have any solid clue on when the Nexus 10 (2013) would launch, though the consensus is sometime in October.

Thanks, Ray!

