Google pushes mobile Gmail redesign inspired by iOS app

Access from your mobile device today and you might be in for a pleasant surprise. Google has quietly pushed an update to the mobile version of Gmail, which includes a few user-interface improvements, as well as better aesthetics. According to Google, this update has rolled out to users on iOS, Android, BlackBerry and Kindle Fire.

Google did not include a changelog in its announcement, although it made reference to how the feedback they received from iOS users when the search company released an updated version of Gmail for the iPhone and iPad, whose users “like the redesigned UI, along with new features such as improved search and integration with Google Calendar.”

If you’re familiar with the Gmail app for the iPhone and iPad, you would likewise be familiar with some elements included in the updated mobile web Gmail version, such as improved search and integration with Google Calendar. The same changes will take effect in Gmail Offline soon.

One thing’s interesting, though. While Google has rolled out this update for iOS, Android, BlackBerry and Kindle (which is, of course, a fork of Android), there’s no mention of Windows Phone. The Next Web notes that this does not come as a surprise, given that Google has been leaving Windows Phone behind in terms of accessing mobile services like Gmail, Maps and more.

I’ve read comments from Android users clamoring for Google to implement the same user experience on the native Android Gmail client, seeing how the iPad version got rave reviews. This might bring us Android users closer to that experience. But there’s a catch, of course. Mobile web is not necessarily as fluid as a native app, so if this UX is to your liking, you’ll have to make do with mobile web for now.

