Google Play wins title for the worst fake app reviews

According to a new analysis of both app stores from Apptentive, iOS applications have more fake reviews than apps on Android.

  • 55% of apps containing fake reviews were on iTunes
  • 45% of apps containing fake reviews were on Google Play.

But as TechCrunch notes, while iOS apps had more fake reviews than those on Android, it was the Android apps that were actually the “worst” offenders, as determined by Apptentive with their “Reviewer Quality” Score. When it came to the 100 apps with the absolute worst Reviewer Quality, 80% of them were on Android.

If someone wants to buy fake reviewers, there are plenty of companies that can help you for a price. Companies like BuyAppStoreReviews, BestReviewApp and AppRebates and Fiverr, where many people offer reviews in exchange for $5.

On the iOS and Android app stores, the games category had the most fake reviews:

  • Games – 41% of apps flagged for fake reviews
  • Other –  26% of apps flagged for fake reviews
  • Photo & Video – 8% of apps flagged for fake reviews
  • Utilities – 7% of apps flagged for fake reviews
  • Entertainment – 6% of apps flagged for fake reviews
  • Lifestyle, Productivity and Education – All had 4% of apps flagged for fake reviews

Even though both the iTunes App Store and Google Play have made changes to their ranking algorithms over the past year, it is apparent that neither are seeing a decrease in fake reviews.

