Google combines Play Magazines and Currents into one app: Newsstand

Google announced today the launch of Newsstand, a news and magazine reading app that combines the functionality of Currents and Play Magazines, and will eventually replace them both.

The app, which is pretty similar to Currents, is now available in the Play Store. For users in the countries where Play Magazines is available (U.S., Canada, U.K. and Australia), Play Magazines will update and change its name to Newsstand, while in the rest of the world, the app will coexist (at least for now) with Currents.

Newsstand gives you access to over 1,900 free and paid newspapers and magazines, but you can also add your own RSS feeds (like Android Authority’s) to make it your one stop shop for news, magazines, and blogs. The app will automatically format articles for your smartphone or tablet, preserving images, video, and other media. Thanks to the caching feature, you will even get to read your favorite sites and magazines while offline.

There’s a bookmarking feature for when something piques your interest but you don’t have the time or disposition to read it. Newsstand also features a recommendation service that will suggest articles and blog posts based on your previous reading. In theory, the more you use it, the more the app will learn your tastes and interests and the more relevant suggestions will get.

Available starting today on Android, Newsstand will come to iOS devices in 2014.

