Gmail will always use HTTPS connections, going forward

Taking to the official Google blog, the Gmail team has revealed that it is making a change to the way Gmail works, specifically it will now always utilize an encrypted HTTPS connection when you send or check email. Additionally, Google says that every email message you send or receive will be encrypted while moving internally between Google’s data-centers.

Although HTTPS support has been the default since 2010, up until now you could turn it off if you so choose. So why make these changes? According to Google, the change is designed to protect its users by ensuring that “no one can listen in on your messages as they go back and forth between you and Gmail’s servers.” In other words, Google says it will keep your email away from prying eyes every step of the way, whether you’re on a home network or public Wi-Fi.

How good of a job Google actually does at protecting your emails is probably a matter of debate, especially considering they are currently utilizing 256-bit encryption instead of something like 2048-SSL. Still, it’s nice to see Google making changes to help better keep our data (and emails) secure.

What do you think of the new changes, what else do you think Google should be doing to better protect our private emails and other data?

