Galaxy S4 vs Galaxy S3 vs Xperia Z screen comparison already available

Sure, it’s possible that the handset in that image gallery is just a prototype or a fake, but at the same time, we’re inclined to believe that the Galaxy S4 has actually been leaked in China a few days ahead of the event.

Galaxy S4 subpixel matrix

The same source that provided the pictures has now a pre-release review of the Galaxy S4, which focuses, among other things on the display of the handset.

The Galaxy S4 will come with a 4.99-inch touchscreen display with 1920 x 1080 resolution (Full HD,) but it’s not going to be a regular AMOLED panel, and from the looks of it, it won’t feature a regular PenTile pixel pattern either (see image above).

Galaxy S4 color transition

Moving away from the pixel matrices in the Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2, the Galaxy S4 comes with a new arrangement – still PenTile from the looks of it – but dominated by bigger green subpixels. It would appear that all these subpixels are of equal size, and we’re looking at a green-red-green and green-blue-green diagonal arrangement.

Galaxy S4 image clarity

Why would Samsung be looking for a way to cram more pixels into the screen, while still using OLED technology? Because the company wants to offer higher pixel-per-inch (PPI) ratios in new devices, while also making the screens as power-efficient as possible in the process.

From the looks of it, this could be the Galaxy S4 PHOLED efficient display that should offer users better image quality while consuming less battery power.

Galaxy S4 black

Getting back to the review and the Galaxy S4 vs Galaxy S3 vs Xperia Z comparison, it168 has found the Galaxy S4’s screen to be a significant improvement when compared with the predecessor. The Galaxy S4 display has a higher resolution and more subpixels which means we’re looking at crispier images than the Galaxy S3 can offer. However, the reviewer found the Galaxy S4 to be somewhat inferior to the Xperia Z when it comes to screen clarity.

Galaxy S4 greyscale

Even so, the review concludes that the screen, the color gamut, color reproduction and image clarity are “the best of the mobile phone screen [rough translation from Chinese via Google Translate.]”

With all that in mind, we’re certainly looking forward to see what display experts will have to say about the Galaxy S4 once Samsung launches it – after all, this leaked device could turn out to be a fake or a pre-release version that’s different than the real deal.

