Find Your Android Phone or Tablet with The App Plan B

Now that you can track your phone’s location online, and even track other people’s locations, it is almost impossible to lose your phone given that you have an application that tracks your device’s locations. But what happens when you don’t have one of those programs installed? Now, thanks to Lookout Labs, you can turn to Plan B. More specifically, if you lost your phone and did not install Lookout Mobile Security, or any other location tracking service, simply go to the Android Market Web Store and install Plan B remotely.

After the app has installed, it should start up by itself. However, you may have to send yourself text messages to get Plan B going. Once it has started, Plan B will send your phone’s location directly to your Gmail address. (Plan B will send your location to your Gmail address only. Therefore, no one else can track your phones location) Now that you know exactly where your phone is, you can go out hunting for it. Therefore, if your phone is on the move, simply send a text to your phone with the word “locate”.

And don’t worry if you didn’t have GPS enabled when you lost your phone, Plan B can automatically turn on GPS for some devices.

Have you tried this app out on your lost Android device? Let us know about your success stories in the comments below.

