Field Trip app for Android updated with Material Design and improved notifications

Get those consent forms signed by your parents, kids, and get ready for a new Field Trip. Although, this isn’t really a new adventure, it’s just a great update by Google’s Niantic Labs to their Field Trip app for Android. Material Design leads the charge, bug fixes and performance improvements follow the company line and improved notifications bring up the rear.

For many, Google’s Niantic Labs is best known for their popular augmented reality game, Ingress. In the game, players physically traverse the globe while digitally conquering an in-game alternate reality. Field Trip is an app that provides a tour guide approach to the same globe trotting, revealing interesting information about places and things all around the world, just without the portals to smash.

While sitting on your couch at home, you can scroll through a map in Field Trip, landmarks will be presented to you in the new Material Design inspired layout, providing a brief history of the location. Get up off that couch, walk down the street with notifications enabled in Field Trip to receive alerts when you pass a point of interest.

Thanks to Material Design and the principals of Android 5.0 Lollipop, the new notifications from Field Trip are a bit more convenient. Google has teamed with over 240 partner publishers to provide information about the new places you’ll discover, or re-discover. Each of the partners followed a new standardized notification design, bringing a consistency most would expect from an app of this caliber, all of which making for ease of navigation and landmark discovery.

Any Field Trip and Ingress users out there – which app do you use more to discover the world around you?

