Edit Photos on The Go

Anyone who’s fond of taking pictures knows that perfect pictures don’t always happen. Sometimes you’ll catch a great shot, but it’s way too dark. You’ll sometimes snag a shot that could do better if it had a little bit more color. The only way you can fix these shots is by tweaking the brightness when you get back home, and on your computer.

But, with the Lightbox Photos app for Android, you don’t need to wait until you get home anymore.

Lightbox Photos allows you to capture, enhance, and even share your captured moments. You can even toggle the privacy settings between private, sharing them with only a few friends, or even sharing your pictures with the entire Lightbox community. Privacy will never be an issue when you’ve got control of who’s seeing what.

Every photo you take with Lightbox Photos is automatically uploaded to Lightbox.com for safe storage. You may lose your phone, but you’ll never lose your memories. All you’ll need is an account at Lightbox.com.

If you’re fond of Tumblr, you’ll love the Lightbox Photos app. It automatically makes your very own Lightbox photojournal that other users can follow, and all you’ll need to do is just keep taking pictures. You don’t have to upload it anywhere else. Lightbox Photos does it for you.

If you’d like to keep updated with your Facebook and Twitter friends, Lightbox Photos has tabs for both of them that allow you to see your friends’ recently uploaded photos. As long as Twitter friends upload to Twitpic, Yfrog, Lockerz, Mobypicture and Instagram, you’ll definitely be able to keep up with their own photo stream.

Lightbox Photos may automatically upload the photos you take to Lightbox.com, but if you share your photos on Facebook, you won’t be sharing just a link. You’ll be sharing the actual image, which allows you to tag your friends. You won’t need to have to switch between apps to keep up to speed.

Got a shot that you didn’t like so much? Is it too drab or too dark? Lightbox Photos has several one-click photo effects, including Instafix (for color correction), Ansel (for high-contrast black and white), Lomo (Russian toy camera/vignette effect), Testino (enhanced color depth), Retro Camera (70s old film look), and many many more.

Lightbox Photos can virtually do everything, including import existing pictures from your phone’s gallery. You can share photos from phone editing apps like Pixlr-o-matic, PicSay, LittlePhoto, and Photoshop Express.

If you like some of your phone’s current camera apps like Vignette, Camera360, and Camera ZOOM FX you don’t need to abandon or uninstall those other awesome apps because Lightbox Photos integrates flawlessly with them.

If you’d like to start snapping shots today, get the Lightbox Photos app free from the Android Market.

