Chevrolet Volt will talk to your Android phone

The much anticipated, 230 mpg Chevrolet Volt is due to hit dealers later this year and what better way to manage its on board computer than with your beloved Android phone?  An app is in the works for Android, iPhone, and the Blackberry Storm that will allow users to control the charging of the vehicle, check stats on MPGs, see the current odometer reading, and more.

Some of the more interesting features allow you to turn the A/C and heat on while the vehicle is plugged in, conserving battery life but in essence, acting like a remote starter to get the car ready before you need to leave.  It also looks like you can sound the horn or alarm, lock and unlock the doors and see when your car will be fully charged.  Advanced charging features can also be set so that the car charges during off peak utility times and it’ll even tell you when power has been cut from the power source it is currently plugged into.

While many frown at the proposed price of the vehicle at $35,000, I can’t help to get just a little bit excited for this technology.  I don’t believe it will be exclusive to the Volt as there is no reason you shouldn’t be able to auto-start your car by pressing a button on your phone.  Hit the jump for a higher res screen shot of the app and stock photo of the Chevy Volt.

Chevrolet Volt, due out later this year

Control your Volt from this app

