Ballistic Case Review - Samsung Epic 4G Touch Edition

When you own a nice and expensive gadget like the Samsung Galaxy S II Epic Touch, you definitely want to protect it with a heavy duty case designed to survive what life might throw at it, right? Let’s be honest – even if you’re the most careful person on the planet when it comes to your device – accidents still do happen, and that’s where Ballistic’s case comes into play.

The case is design to do exactly that – survive life. The case has two pieces: one rubber body piece, and another hard plastic cover. The case isn’t designed to be pretty, so look elsewhere if that’s what you’re in the market for. The case has very thick rubber on all four corners, which is a big plus in my opinion. After about two weeks with the case, I found myself feeling very confident that it would protect my phone. I even found myself tossing it around without really thinking much about it. If you’re in the market for a case that will protect your phone without fail, than this is the case for you. Also, the price won’t break the bank either. It’s only at $34.99 and offered in pink or black. Click here if you’re interested in ordering the case.

My conclusion? If you want a ‘pretty’ case, this isn’t for you. The case doesn’t offer a very appealing appearance. However, if you are looking for a case that will no doubt survive a long drop and protect your phone from the abuse you are going to throw at it, then this is the case for you.

If you want to see a more in depth review check out the video below.

So what say you, is this the case for your Samsung Epic Touch 4G?

