Android Auto version 1.2 introduces improved home screen shortcuts

How many of you are rocking Android Auto already? If you are one of the lucky ones, you may notice a new update has reached the Android Auto app, upgrading it to version 1.2. Aside from the usual “bug fixes and improvements”, this update offers some functionality upgrades, mainly to the home screen.

The new improvements make the music and navigation cards slightly larger. This is not only for aesthetic purposes, though. The larger size allows Google to fit a little something extra. The Navigation card now features an arrow button, while the music card displays a play/pause toggle.

These new functions will allow you to interact with content without having to launch specific apps. It’s all accessible straight from the home screen! This is likely only the beginning of this feature. Don’t be surprised if more apps and developers start adopting similar home screen shortcuts soon. After all, the idea of Android Auto is to interact with the interface as little as possible, so as to keep your driving safe.

Just head over to the Google Play Store and download the new Android Auto update if you have a compatible in-car system. And don’t forget to hit the comments to tell us what you think of these new features. If you don’t use Android Auto yet, you may want to start considering it for your next car purchase! Read our Android Auto review on the Hyundai Sonata to get more educated on the new platform.

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