Android App for Managing Your Picasa Web Albums

Your pictures are like hard copies of our life’s memories. As we age, we begin to compile hundreds of pictures and group them into albums. Sometimes we find it hard to search through a number of albums just to look for a certain picture–but, not if we have the right tool on our Android phone.

PicasaTool is a free app that allows you to view Picasa Web Albums directly from your mobile phone. You can also add, edit, and share pictures via the app.

The PicasaTool app offers the following features:

  • Manage Picasa web albums
  • Upload pictures
  • Log-in to multiple Google accounts
  • Offline web albums
  • Edit photos
  • Featured Picasa photos and public pictures

The app will require access to your Google account so that it can display all your personal albums created online.  Once you’ve provided your Google credentials to the app, the PicasaTool app will show you three tabs on the main menu, namely, Explore, Following, and Albums.

Your albums will displayed on the Albums tab. Multiple accounts can be added and the app will display albums for the respective accounts. Here you can also customize your albums, add new pictures to an existing album, change an album’s privacy setting, share your albums, and a lot more. You can also download an album so you can view and access the photos later offline.

Under the Explore tab, you will be shown various featured images from Picasa. You can save pictures on your mobile phone, share photos to your social networking sites, set photos as wallpaper, and leave comments directly from the app itself.

You can also use the search box to hasten your search. The search box will provide you popular search keywords and allows you to save your favorite queries.

Aside from managing pictures, the PicasaTool app also helps you get in touch with your fellow Picasa users. The Following tab lets you view recent photos posted by your saved contacts. Here you can stay updated with your friend’s recent photo uploads or view new pictures from your favorite Picasa users.

PicasaTool also allows you to edit your picture before you add it online. You can change a picture’s brightness, crop unwanted areas, rotate the picture, or change its contrast and saturation settings. You can also add special effects to your pics. Pictures that are uploaded are marked, so you won’t have to worry about adding the same picture twice.

PicasaTool app offers a lot of interesting features to manage your albums on the web. Want to try it for free? Install PicasaTool from the Android Market.

What do you think of PicasaTool?  Does it make your photo management easier?

