Android 4.2.2 right around the corner, shows up in server logs
We’ve previously reported on Android 4.2.2 rumor after rumor which both included screenshots that could have easily been faked with a simple build.prop edit. We here at Android Authority decided to do a little bit of digging on our own and this is what we’ve found. Nexus devices running various builds of Android 4.2.2 have been hitting our website pretty hard over the past week. That’s right, we’ve seen the Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 all show up in our web server logs. Could these be faked? Sure. We highly doubt it. It would take an extreme amount of time to hit our website with different Android 4.2.2 devices, different Android 4.2.2 builds, and different web browsers.
Here’s a snippet of what we’ve found
So far we’ve seen the Galaxy Nexus show up with Android 4.2.2 JDQ23, JDQ29C, and JOQ10A. We’ve seen the Nexus 4 knock on our door running Android 4.2.2 JDQ23, JDQ29C, JDQ30, JDP71B, and JDP79B. The Nexus 7 has visited our website on Android 4.2.2 JDQ23, JDQ32B, and JDQ18. Lastly, we’ve seen the Nexus 10 visit on builds JDQ23, JDP73, and JDQ32B. The web browsers of choice includes different builds of Chrome, Chrome beta, and even Flipboard. Out of all of these, the most popular build number seems to be JDQ23.