Amazon refreshes their Silk browser, bringing a fresh interface and updated features
Today, Amazon announces an update to their Silk browser. Available on their Kindle line of tablets, the browser is closely tied into Amazon’s ecosystem, as well as giving users a sleek way to browse the web.
In anticipation of their new lines of Kindle devices, Amazon has tweaked Silk to make it a bit more intuitive and easy to use. While much of the features are available on other browsers, Amazon’s choice to bring some to the forefront is interesting. In many ways, Silk has become a bit more like other browsers, with a redesigned bookmarks bar, and your most recent visited pages on the new tab page.
The new Silk also enhances web readability, bringing the “reading pane” feature to the forefront. As you can see in the picture below, it will be right next to the address bar. The start page is also new, with a carousel of Amazon goodness greeting you straight away.
There are also some under the hood tweaks, as Amazon is apt to point out on the Silk website:
[quote qtext=”In addition to a new user interface, this latest Silk release also benefits from performance enhancements to the underlying rendering engine. We have been working diligently to make Silk faster and more intuitive, and we’re creating features to make Silk the best way to discover the web.” qperson=”” qsource=”” qposition=”center”]