5217 is a time management app designed to make you more productive at work

A post on The Muse about the best way to balance work and break time got quite a bit of attention when it was published in the summer of 2014. In what is essentially a variation of the Pomodoro Method, the article touts the Rule of 52 and 17. Reportedly, the most productive workers are those who work for a little bit under an hour followed by a break lasting approximately 17 minutes before jumping back into the workflow. Inspired by this, one pair of developers has created an app to help you keep track of these increments of your day: 5217.

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This app does exactly what you think it would. It’s a simple tool that you can use to record the 52 and 17 cycle. Minimalist design and gradual transitions chart your progress through the workday, with gentle alarm tones indicating the start and stop of each cycle. You can also share your cycles via social media to boast about your productivity that day.

The developers have some plans slated for 5217 that will include the addition of a handful of interesting little features. They want to bring support for Daydream, for instance, and allow cycles to run from your Android Wear device. A more elaborate stat menu may be in the works as well, which would track your weekly and monthly cycles instead of merely one day’s.

If you’re looking to squeeze more out of your work day and be happier and more productive, then this might just be the app for you. Click the button below to download it from the Google Play Store, and let us know in the comments which tools and techniques you do to make the most out of the work week.

