5.9-inch Galaxy Note 3 reportedly being demoed to AT&T execs this week

The recently unveiled Samsung Galaxy Pad gaming accessory, for the Galaxy S4 and up to 6.3-inch touchscreen devices, prompted plenty of speculation that the Galaxy Note 3 will come with a 6.3-inch display, just as some reports suggested in the past.

A new Korea Times article says that AT&T and Samsung execs will meet in Seoul, South Korea, this week to discuss the launch and AT&T promotion of the upcoming smartphone.

Apparently AT&T will get to look at a Galaxy Note 3 mockup during the meetings. The device is said to sport a 5.9-inch OLED display with Full HD resolution, Exynos 5 Octa processor, LTE and various features, “though discussions are still under way regarding what they should be.”

All these details are coming from an executive at a “Samsung’s main parts supplier,” but as always, he wasn’t identified.

As for the 6.3-inch Samsung Android device, the publication notes that it will be a separate product, but not a flagship device like the Galaxy Note 3:

A 6.3-inch phablet is also in the works with the company expected to introduce the model in the first half of this year. The 6.3-inch phablet will be a budget model not a flagship one in line with its strategy to expand product lineups.

Are you looking forward to a 5.9-inch Galaxy Note 3? Or are you sticking with smaller smartphones this year?

