
Kindle Fire Sales Figures Estimated by iSuppli. Bad News for Apple.

Are you sick of people telling you that there is no tablet market, only an iPad market? From now on, tell your iPad-toting buddies to check out this report from iSuppli, which essentially puts the iPad dominance theory to the rest. In a nutshell: Apple still sells more tablets than anyone else, but Cupertino’s iron grip on the market is finally loosening. So, who deserves the credit? Without doubt, Amazon’s Kindle Fire, the star of Q4 2011.

Qualcomm Snapdragon 710 promises everything you need, nothing you don't

TL;DR The new Qualcomm Snapdragon 710 aims to make premium smartphone features less expensive. The 710 touts significant performance and battery life improvements compared to the Snapdragon 660. Smartphone manufacturers already have access to the chip, and we should see the first devices using the 710 within the coming weeks. Qualcomm states that the Snapdragon 710 was designed around the most popular consumer use cases. You can expect a two-fold increase in overall AI performance compared to the Snapdragon 660, stronger image processing thanks to added hardware acceleration, as well as reduced power consumption.

The Best Android Apps for Writers

Gone are the days when writers used to scribble their thoughts on a rugged piece of paper with a pen and ink on the side. Thanks to the wonders of technology, the pen is now replacing the stylus, and the paper? Well, apps for PCs, smartphones, and tablets are now the best and fastest ways to write down ideas, notes and blogs. If you are both a writer and an Android user, check out some of the best Android apps we’ve prepared for you.

BuildTopia is the newest mobile battle royale game

With battle royale games seemingly here to stay, developer NetEase reportedly received approval to launch its self-developed battle royale intellectual property (IP). Previously called FortCraft, the game is now called BuildTopia and is coming to a phone near you. From the gameplay video above, it’s not hard to see BuildTopia’s influences. The building elements are reminiscent of Minecraft, while the visuals are similar to those of Epic Games’ Fortnite. No wonder why BuildTopia was originally called FortCraft.

Yo is a real app that lets you send “yo” to your friends and nothing else

Remember the Hodor keyboard from a couple of weeks ago? If you thought that was stupid, you’re about to lose the final ounces of faith you had in humanity. Yo is a new app, a real app that does one thing, and one thing only. It lets you send a “yo” text and sound notification to a friend. That “yo” can mean whatever you want it to mean. It’s simplicity taken to extreme, perhaps beyond it.

Fruit vs. Robot is an iOS and Android game about mobile platform wars

Apple has just had a big win in the landmark Apple vs. Samsung patent infringement case, which leaves consumers wondering whether a single company can claim ownership of rounded rectangles after all. If you want to get involved in the epic legal war, you can now have a say even if your name is not Lucy Koh or Florian Mueller. A new mobile game pits the iOS and Android platforms against each other in a fun (and less expensive) way.

Huawei-made QWERTY MyTouch seen, manhandled on video

A few weeks ago, we reported about T-Mobile’s two MyTouch phones that will be made by Huawei and are expected to come later in the year. The two mid-range devices, one of which features a slide-out keyboard, will supposedly run ICS and come with decent, although unimpressive specs. We’ve also seen a supposed picture of the slate model (non-QWERTY), which, although as blurry as they get, gave us an idea about how the new MyTouch devices will present themselves (just like the Nexus One, if you ask us).

Is that a fingerprint scanner on your HTC One Max?

Electronics manufacturers have been equipping their products with fingerprint scanners for years now. In the smartphone industry, Motorola fitted a fingerprint sensor on the 2011 Atrix 4G, though it gave up on the technology for the second generation of the device. Still, nobody got it right so far, and, as a result, fingerprint-based authentication has failed to make a meaningful impact in the market. We might be on the cusp of a fingerprint technology revival, though.

the first Android musical instrument

The Miselu neiro, dubbed by its makers “a portable, net-enabled social music device with a musical keyboard and a wide multi-touch display, and a variety of musical apps and cloud services” was introduced at the SoundCloud open house, during the recently concluded SXSW festival held in Austin, Texas. The group behind neiro is Miselu, a self-styled “passionate team of entrepreneurs, musicians, designers and engineers in Silicon Valley” that aims to “design innovative products to create the next generation of musical experiences.

Dell announces the Venue 10 7000, the company's new 10.5-inch Android tablet

It wasn’t too long ago that our own Taylor Martin reviewed the sleek Dell Venue 8 7000 tablet, and it seems as though the company has already released it’s followup device. Dubbed the Dell Venue 10 7000, this new Android-powered tablet features similar specifications and build to the Venue 8 7000, but with a few interesting additions. For starters, the Venue 10 7000 is mostly the same when it comes to specifications.